
Rambling the thoughts

A Picture will go here

The rabbit hole is still deep, and I can go further. I promise. Speaking truths since 2015, I had this shit jumpin’. Could be why they want to silence me. I can find those stocks… one, two, three…

I was not given a good hand in this game of life. I play the cards I am dealt. I tend to see things differently than most, and those views intimidate people. Some might even take my way of speaking out of context. Will I offend people? Most likely. But the fact of the matter is, in this world, I really don’t give a fuck anymore. I have tried very hard to tame myself and be cool and not be a Karen, but that gets you nowhere. You have to be loud, you have to be aggressive, and I guess if someone beats you up or tries to kill you for being like that, you have to take it. Maybe my perspective is wrong, but when I see the world, I notice that I am not far off base.

In speaking up on certain things, I have been followed, stalked, threatened, intimidated, framed, and shot at. I’m not shocked by anything. I haven’t even opened my mouth totally about things; I’ve only peeped a little. Evidence online proves that others used and wrote for me. At one point, bad actors came in and started posting lies mixed with truth to protect their interests. That’s when I started seeing how deep the rabbit hole went. Me being me, I saw what others cannot see, and I’ve been silent for a long time when things went the wrong way for the actual bad actors. Take what I wrote as you will; the evidence is available.

What protection? You think you are going to have protection for opening your mouth? You think you’re going to have protection for telling the full truth? I can tell you firsthand you won’t get any, which makes people stay silent. It’s very scary being stalked and threatened. A normal person would keep their mouth shut because there is no protection. No one ever looks at the protection for the truth tellers. The only thing we get is money-hungry and fame-hungry people getting protection. The rich person gets protection when most of them won’t even tell the truth. Guess I’m not a normal person. As hard as they came at me, I didn’t fucking budge because I will never be intimidated. I say fucking kill me, bitch, but the last time you shot at me, you fucking missed. Good luck.

I have taken a look at the assassination attempt on Trump, and hey Trump, I get it. You’re speaking, and someone wanted to silence you. Again, after all these years, sir, they are still treating me like you. I’ve always been Mini Trump, and no one can even understand. I looked deeper than the surface. Let’s really think about this kid. A 20-year-old progressive/republican with Trump parents. Big gun people, a bullied kid, and a clash at home over politics with parents. That’s a recipe for disaster. We need mental health in schools. We need better gun laws, and I think Trump would agree now. I could go on a long conspiracy theory rant about protecting people who just speak up… there is no protection, and my point is proven yet again with an ex-president. Like, come on. You can like the man or you can hate him, but killing him isn’t the answer.

I just don’t know right now. I’m too overwhelmed, and I will just sit in silence for now and wait. But don’t you ever think I will back down. Just because I’m quiet doesn’t mean my brain’s not turning and I’m not aware.

The RNC is making Trump look bad to his base. Vance is untrustworthy and a joke, even to Trump. Read all about it on Google. The Republicans want Q, but are they ready for Q? Q’s hiding because they used and abused Q’s insight. They lied on Q too. Where’s Q’s protection? If I can’t get protection, and Trump can’t get protection, and JFK Jr. can’t get protection, what makes anyone think Q will?

All eyez on me and I'mma send it up to pac. RIP Tupac.