
I took money that wasn't mine

A Picture will go here

One time wal-mart, a billion dollar company, gave me back too much change. I kept it once I realised I had it. I was in such a bad way. I have bad social aniexty and the only thing I was really paying attention to was the people around me watching me. When I got back to the car I realised that I had more money than I should have. I kept it. I feel guilty. I notice a man watching me, and a girl walk by me and people looking at me and I just wanted to leave this place so fast. I didn't pay attention to what I recieved, when I got back to the car.. I saw it. It was 60 dollars. I'm sorry.

Months later it happened again at a Family dollar in the next town over. I was in a cleaer mind set and I didn't fear people. I noticed the lady gave me back way too much money, I gladly returned it because I had felt guilty about the time before.

Did I need the money? Yes, I needed it because I have a medical condition and no job, without my bags I can die. So, I guess that was my reasoning to justify. To be honest I feel like they want me dead anyways and their way of doing it is to make it impossible to live (Without these expensive bags and no medical help at all I felt jusified). After 12 years of begging for medical help Biden finally made it possible, let's not forget the the north carolina government. Thank you.